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Exploring the World of Classical Studies: A Guide for Leaving Certificate Students

Updated: Mar 27, 2023


Classical studies is a broad field that encompasses the study of ancient Greek and Roman cultures, literature, history, philosophy, and art. For students considering a career in the humanities or social sciences, a strong understanding of classical studies can provide a solid foundation for further study. In this post, we will explore the world of classical studies for leaving certificate students and discuss how it can help prepare them for their future studies.

What is classical studies?

Classical studies is an interdisciplinary field that encompasses the study of ancient Greek and Roman cultures, literature, history, philosophy, and art. It aims to provide students with a deep understanding of the ancient world and its influence on the modern world. Students of classical studies will learn about the culture, society, politics, and daily life of ancient Greece and Rome.

How is classical studies taught?

Classical studies is usually taught through a combination of classroom lectures and discussions, as well as through independent research and reading. Students will be required to read primary sources such as ancient texts and inscriptions, and to analyze and interpret them. They may also be required to participate in discussions and debates, and to give oral presentations.

How does classical studies prepare students for the leaving certificate?

Classical studies provides students with a strong foundation in the humanities, as well as an understanding of the ancient world and its influence on the modern world. This knowledge can be applied to a wide range of other subjects, including history, literature, philosophy, and art. Additionally, the skills developed through studying classical studies, such as critical thinking, research, and analysis, will be essential for success in any further studies.

What is the study of Classical Studies for Leaving Cert students?

Classical Studies for Leaving Cert students is the study of the culture, society, and civilization of ancient Greece and Rome. This includes the study of literature, history, philosophy, art, and archaeology. It aims to provide students with a broad understanding of the classical world and its influence on modern society. The study of Classical Studies can also help students develop critical thinking and analytical skills.

Career options after the Leaving Certificate

A strong background in classical studies can lead to many career opportunities, such as an academic career in classics, history, archaeology, and art history, as well as other fields such as law, politics, and journalism. It can also be useful for those who wish to pursue a career in teaching, museum curation, or cultural heritage management.


In conclusion, classical studies is an interdisciplinary field that provides students with a deep understanding of ancient Greek and Roman cultures, literature, history, philosophy, and art. It can help prepare them for their future studies and for a wide range of career opportunities. The knowledge and skills developed through classical studies, such as critical thinking, research, and analysis, will be essential for success in any further studies.

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