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Leaving Cert Irish Oral - An Fáiltiú (Guide)

Fáilte roimh! The Leaving Cert Irish Oral is a 15-minute exam that tests your spoken Irish. It's worth 40% of your final grade, so it's important to be well prepared.

The first part of the exam is the Fáiltiú. This is your chance to introduce yourself and make a good impression on the examiner.

Watch Our Fáiltiú Video Guide!

For an extra dose of support, check out our video below. We'll walk you through examples, pronunciation tips, and give you even more ways to perfect your introduction.

Here are some tips for doing a good Fáiltiú:

  • Practice, practice, practice! The more you practice, the more confident you'll feel on the day of the exam.

  • Speak clearly and slowly. The examiner needs to be able to understand you, so don't mumble or rush your words.

  • Make eye contact. This shows that you're confident and engaged.

  • Smile! A friendly smile will make a good impression on the examiner.

Here is an example of a Fáiltiú:

Duine: Dia duit, a dhuine uasal/a bhean uasal.

Examiner: Dia duit.

Duine: Is ainm dom [your name]. Tá mé [your age] mbliana d'aois. Tá mé ó [your town/city].

Examiner: Go raibh maith agat, [your name]. Tá áthas orm duit a bheith anseo inniu.

Duine: Go raibh maith agat. Tá áthas orm bheith anseo.

Examiner: Cad é do chuspóir anseo inniu?

Duine: Tá mé anseo chun mo scrúdú béil Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

Examiner: Go n-éirí leat!

Duine: Go raibh maith agat.

Examiner: An bhfuil aon rud eile ar mhaith leat a rá?

Duine: Níl, ach go raibh maith agat as do chuid ama.

Examiner: Tá fáilte roimh!

As you can see, the Fáiltiú is a simple introduction. You don't need to say anything too complicated. Just be yourself and speak clearly and confidently.

You've Got This!

Remember, the Fáiltiú is just the beginning. With some preparation and a positive attitude, you'll start your Irish Oral off strong. Good luck, or as we say in Irish, "Go n-éirí leat!"

Let us know if you have any other Irish Oral topics you want to turn into blog posts!


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