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Mastering the Aistear Observation Template for Irish Leaving Cert Students

Updated: Dec 10, 2023

The Aistear Observation Template is a valuable tool for Irish Leaving Cert students, helping them to observe and document children's learning experiences in early years settings. In this blog post, we'll explore what the Aistear Observation Template is and offer tips and tricks to help you use it effectively.

1: Understanding the Aistear Observation Template

The Aistear Observation Template is a structured format for observing and recording children's learning experiences in early years settings. It helps you to focus on the child's interests and experiences, and identify areas where you can support and extend their learning. The template is divided into different sections, including the child's interests, the learning environment, and the child's interactions with others.

2: Preparing for the Observation

Before you begin the observation, it's essential to prepare carefully. Make sure you've familiarized yourself with the child's background and interests. Be sure to obtain parental consent and ensure that you're following ethical guidelines. Prepare your observation tools, such as a notebook, recording device, and camera.

3: Conducting the Observation

During the observation, make sure you're as unobtrusive as possible. Try to blend in with the setting, and let the child lead the way. Observe the child's interactions with others, their responses to different experiences, and their interests. Be sure to take detailed notes, record conversations, and capture images and videos to support your observation.

4: Using the Aistear Observation Template

Once you've completed the observation, it's time to use the Aistear Observation Template. Start by reviewing your notes, images, and recordings, and identifying key themes and patterns. Use the template to structure your observation, focusing on the child's interests, the learning environment, and their interactions with others. Be sure to record your observations accurately and objectively, using the child's own words where possible.

5: Analyzing and Reflecting on Your Observation

The final step in the Aistear Observation Template process is to analyze and reflect on your observations. Use the information you've gathered to identify areas where you can support and extend the child's learning. Reflect on your own practice, and consider how you can improve your interactions with the child. Be sure to provide feedback to parents, educators, and other stakeholders, using your observations to inform future learning experiences.


The Aistear Observation Template is a valuable tool for Irish Leaving Cert students, helping them to observe and document children's learning experiences in early years settings. By preparing carefully, conducting your observation sensitively, and using the Aistear Observation Template effectively, you can gather valuable insights into children's learning experiences and contribute to their development. By analyzing and reflecting on your observations, you can improve your own practice and support the learning journeys of the children you observe.

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