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Conas Atá Tú?’ Explained: Meaning, Responses, and Irish Language Tips

Updated: Dec 1, 2024


As a Leaving Certificate student, you may be required to take Irish as a subject. One of the most important phrases to learn in any language is how to greet someone, and the Irish language is no exception. In this post, we'll focus on the phrase "conas atá tu?" which is the Irish way of asking "how are you?". This guide will give you an in-depth look at the meaning and usage of the phrase, as well as tips for practicing and perfecting your pronunciation.

How are you? (Translated to English "Conas atá tu?" is Irish for "How are you?")

"Conas atá tu?" is Irish for "How are you?" and is a common greeting used to ask someone about their well-being or state of mind. It is a polite way to start a conversation, similar to asking "How are you?" in English. The expected response would be "Tá mé go maith" which means "I'm good" in English.

The Meaning of "Conas atá tu?"

The phrase "conas atá tu?" is a combination of two words. "Conas" means "how" and "atá" means "are". "Tu" is the informal way of saying "you". When put together, the phrase translates to "how are you?" in English. It's a common way of greeting someone in Ireland, and it's considered polite to use it when meeting someone for the first time or when catching up with an acquaintance.

Pronouncing "Conas atá tu?"

When it comes to pronunciation, the Irish language can be tricky. However, with practice, you'll be able to master the phrase "conas atá tu?" in no time. Here are some tips to help you with your pronunciation:

• The "c" in "conas" is pronounced as a "k" sound.

• The "a" in "atá" is pronounced as "aw"

• The "tu" is pronounced as "too"

• The stress is on the first syllable of "atá"

Practice, Practice, Practice!

The key to mastering any language is practice, and this applies to Irish as well. Here are some ways to practice saying "conas atá tu?":

• Listen to native speakers: You can find plenty of videos of Irish people speaking on YouTube. Listen carefully to the way they say "conas atá tu?" and try to imitate their pronunciation.

• Practice with a partner: Find a friend who is also learning Irish and practice saying "conas atá tu?" to each other. This will give you an opportunity to hear the phrase spoken in a conversational context.

• Use language learning apps: There are plenty of apps available that can help you practice your Irish. Look for one that focuses on conversation and includes the phrase "conas atá tu?".


"Conas atá tu?" is an important phrase to know when learning Irish. It's a polite way of greeting someone and it's used frequently in everyday conversation. By following the tips and practicing regularly, you'll be able to master the pronunciation and use of the phrase in no time. Remember to keep practicing and listening to native speakers, and you'll be able to greet anyone in Irish with confidence!

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