Important Takeaways from Leaving Certificate Computer Science: Software Development Software Development Process: The software development life cycle begins with investigating and planning, where the software’s purpose and requirements are defined. Key stages include design, creation, evaluation, iteration, and documentation, each ensuring the software meets user needs and improves based on feedback. Development Approaches: Waterfall is a structured, linear approach best suited for projects with clear specifications, while Agile offers flexibility, allowing constant feedback and adjustments, making it ideal for dynamic projects and fostering collaboration. User-Centered Design & User Experience: User-Centered Design (UCD) focuses on designing intuitive and accessible software. The emphasis on User Experience (UX) ensures the software meets users' functional and emotional needs, while User Interface (UI) design focuses on seamless interaction. The Importance of Software Testing: Different types of testing, such as unit testing, functional testing, and system testing, ensure that software meets its requirements. Black box testing evaluates the software’s external functionality, while white box testing provides an in-depth analysis of the code, ensuring thorough quality assurance. Roles in Software Development: Successful software development requires a collaborative effort among various roles, including business analysts, project managers, designers, developers, and testers, to create, refine, and ensure the software meets its specifications and performs as intended.